Love Is Love
Love Is Love
Kate Fauvell / Gustavo Fernández
Mixed media, photographers, collage, acrylic on canvas
36 x 36 inches
About Kate Fauvell:
Kate Fauvell (b.NYC) is a contemporary artist. Kate constantly takes pictures as a means of understanding and documenting the world around us. She uses these images to create photo-based collage paintings. She cuts and tears photographs into pieces and these torn pieces replace a paint brush her primary drawing tool.
As a native New Yorker, I’m accustomed to change. Over the course of my lifetime, its residents have transformed the city more times than I can count. That experience informs my art. I believe all things change and make art that alludes to this process.
People and systems inspire me. I constantly take pictures as a means of understanding and documenting the world around us. I use these images to create photo-based collage paintings. I cut and tear photographs into pieces and these torn pieces replace a paintbrush as my primary drawing tool.
About Gustavo Fernández:
Although Fernandez refuses to adhere himself to any art movement, he is generally identified as an abstract expressionist/Colorist.
Fernández's creation is an explosion of colors and texture. His abstract work is product of a long period of development and evolvement of intense thoughts based on his artistic experiences (26 Years).
With Exhibitions around the world, including Latin America, Miami, NYC, Spain, Seoul, Beijing. Fernandez is positioned as one of the most relevant visual artists of the moment.
The artist defines his work as a devotion to inner beauty, color emotions, fervor of spirit, and a spiritual desire inner necessity. He defines himself as the artwork that never ends.