
Fire damage at MAISON 10

Fire damage at MAISON 10

We’ve talked a lot about the power of our wonderful MAISON 10 family in the past, but last night we saw your love in action.

After our Love 2021 tree caught fire (the irony isn't lost on us), hundreds of you responded with messages of support, offers of help, and physically showing up with hugs and cups of tea and other practical stuff.

Thankfully, no one was hurt in this horrible accident, and our heartfelt thanks goes to the fire department, who responded swiftly to our call. While it’s devastating, we're determined to be back, stronger than ever.


Yeohlee Teng – uncompromising designer who makes zero waste a way of life

Yeohlee Teng – uncompromising designer who makes zero waste a way of life

The designer Yeohlee Teng was committed to zero waste long before sustainability became a buzz word. For her it has been a company ethos as well as a way of life.

Introducing Julia Rivera - Your Vote is Your Power

Introducing Julia Rivera - Your Vote is Your Power

As the Bronx-born artist contemplates the aftershocks of the pandemic, and the deep divides of a country facing an upcoming election, she has thrown her energies into art – and a body of work dedicated to persuading people to use their voices and vote.



Hold the front page! MAISON 10 has been making the news this month. AMNY featured us in its story about the new NoMad Piazza, which is now “a vibrant, year-round destination." You can read the full article here.

The New York Times also included the Piazza in its feature about what to do in the city for a staycation. 

Jacto jewelry – the story behind a zero waste fashion brand made in New York

Jacto jewelry – the story behind a zero waste fashion brand made in New York

A frustration with the fashion industry – combined with an encounter in a Florida bar – led Melanie Maggio to leave behind a lucrative career in shoe design and create a sustainable, zero waste brand based on the skin, bones, and teeth left over from commercial fishing.